seasons 4.0


brief: create announcement films for each of the four ballets that make up the new choreographic program created by junior ballet antwerp.


the films needed to showcase the new ballet program of junior ballet antwerp, while also highlighting the four individual choreographic creations.

four choreographers were invited by junior ballet antwerp to create their balletic interpretations of vivaldi’s four seasons.

in order to give the film a common visual language, while simultaneously highlighting their artistic individuality, a monochrome color pallet was assigned to each film that roughly corresponded to the seasons depicted.

the unique vocabulary and dramatic narrative of each choreography was presented in each film through a snippet of passionate choreography.

filmed with a long lens all films present a wide master shot inter-cut with detailed close ups – specifically chosen to highlight the emotional story within – the performances of the dancers were emphasized through the use of variable frame rates; slowing down and speeding up perceived time to achieve an alluring dramatic effect.


client – junior ballet antwerp

creative - alain honorez & sam asaert

production lead - altea nuñez

executive producer & artistic coordination - alain honorez

director - sam asaert


maria mazzotti

marco ticozzelli

lara wolter

florian carer

marta dias

victor rey

julia pages

axel agnello


craig davidson

juanjo arques

altea nuñez

mauro de candia

music - vivaldi

cinematography - sam asaert

editing & post - sam asaert




move (on)